The WILD ways to use Mane Juice

Its multi-purpose properties are one of the things that makes Mane Juice so unique. You can use it in place of your usual shine and detangle products for your horse AND as (in our opinion one of the best) hair mask treatments on the market. But why stop there? Mane Juice also makes an excellent body moisturizer and addition to your regular facial skin care routine. Best of all Mane Juice is made of only 4 all-natural oils. No additives, no ingredients you can’t pronounce.


Your horse:

Use as you would your usual shine and detangle products. Work through hair and brush and braid as usual. You do not need to wash it out. Enjoy the softest, shiniest mane and tail you’ve ever seen!

Your hair:

Work through dry, unwashed hair from root to ends, focusing on the root. Allow to sit for 30-45 minutes (we recommend a messy bun to keep things tidy). Wash out THOROUGHLY using your regular shampoo. You will not need conditioner. Style as usual and shine baby shine!

Repeat as needed every week to two weeks.

Your skin:

This one is pretty self-explanatory. Use in place of any other moisturizing lotion. Focus on dry areas. (We recommend applying on damp skin after a bath or shower to lock in moisture) or before sun exposure as coconut oil (one of the Mane-see what we did there?) ingredients can act as natural protection from harmful UV rays.

Your face:

“Oil on my face?!” Yes ma’am- you’re going to have to trust us on this one. Start by adding a couple of drops to your current moisturizer or CC cream. Everyone is different so you may have to experiment to get things just right- Some Wild women end up completely replacing their daily cream with Mane Juice, while others prefer to leave it as a healthy addition to their current products.

 Mane Juice benefits seem to be endless- discover another use for it? Let us know!